Rust’s rich type system and ownership model guarantee memory-safety and thread-safety Looks like Rust’s rich packaging guarantees anything… but security. Why would one want to have a Linux package for every little library?Who is going to audit this?
Author: Matthias
Ruby HTTP server in one line
ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8000
CAN bus on Banana Pi M2 Berry
The BPI M2 Berry is based on the Allwinner V40 chip, which includes a CAN controller. Unfortunately, the CAN pins are not exposed on the PCB, but used for connecting LEDs and Ethernet instead. In order to make the CAN bus work on BPI M2B, the following steps are required: Hardware modification Kernel patching Device tree overlay Hardware modification The…
Vue and JSX components for Rails without JS bundling
JavaScript build pipelines tend to be a complicated mess of infinite numbers of npm dependencies, dev servers, and piles of “opinionated” conventions (and the lack thereof).
Fixing Arduino Board Manager Downloads on macOS
Downloading new board definitions in the Arduino IDE’s board manager may fail due to certificates missing from the JRE certificate chain. This may for example happen with the ESP32 board, where the host is using a Let’s Encrypt certificate. The Let’s Encrypt root certificates can be added to the JRE keystore using the following instructions: Most interestingly, the…
When calling super in Ruby without arguments, you expect all arguments being passed to the superclass method. If you want to pass your own arguments, you just put them there. If you don’t want to pass any arguments, you need to put empty braces after the super call: So far nothing new. Now imagine a block being passed to your…
Preventing Finder from reopening windows on startup
By default, the macOS Finder re-opens all windows from the last session when logging in. The following LaunchAgent uses AppleScript to close all Finder windows on startup: Put it into ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.example.CloseFinder.agent.plist and load it using launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.example.CloseFinder.agent.plist On the next startup, there should be no more open Finder windows from the last session.
Fixing Sony Xperia Z3C black camera after restore to other phone
TL;DR: If the Z3C camera doesn’t work after restoring the /data partition from another phone, try deleting the contents of the /data/credmgr directory. Recently I wanted to restore the TWRP backups from my broken Z3C to a new device. The usual process including TA backup and restore went well, however, after the restore, the rear camera of the new device…
Deploying multiple Rails apps with Passenger Standalone and systemd
Last week, we moved one of our test servers to Nginx + Phusion Passenger Standalone 5 aka Raptor, and this is where systemd came in handy.
Getting rid of Helvetica Neue on OS X Yosemite Beautiful alternative font